Valahia University Library
The beginning of higher education in Târgovişte has its origin in Middle Ages, when between 1672-1678 the first law school in Wallachia functioned. The officialization and institutionalization of higher education in Târgovişte starts again after the events of 1989, when Technical and Economic University College appears in 1991, later on, through the decision of Romanian Government, no. 288 from 01st of June 1992, establishing VALAHIA University in Târgovişte.
University Library worked at the beginning in some departments and since 1995, it has been operating in "I. H. Rădulescu" County Library. On 26th of November 2002, the library was reorganized and operates based on Valahia University Senate Decision.
From this date, the library begins to be an integral part of national system of higher education, being a university-type library, which participates in the process of training, training and education, as well as in research activities, serving mainly students, teachers and researchers.
Valahia University Library from Târgovişte is a public law library, without legal personality, subordinated to University management, which has its students, teachers, PhD students and researchers as main users.
For this purpose, Valahia University Library in Târgovişte is developing as an integrated system of structures, provides the documentary and information base necessary for the education process, realizes their valorization and communication, facilitates diversified and fast access to all categories of sources, organizes appropriate services for users.